Are you a downtown business and/or property owner? Looking to update your space through beautification, retrofits, and/or overall enhancements? The Town has incentives available to increase downtown vibrancy through multiple programs. Join the Town’s Economic Development and Heritage Planning staff for two upcoming drop-in sessions to learn about how you can access these incentives through streamlined application processes.
Downtown Georgetown
Date: Monday, April 7, 2025Time: 5 – 7 p.m.
Location: Glazed Expressions - 65 Main St. S, Georgetown
Downtown Acton *New Date*
Date: Monday, May 12, 2024
Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Location: Acton Arena & Community Centre Hall - 415 Queen St, Acton
Smart Commute
The municipalities of Burlington, Halton Hills, Oakville, and Milton are excited to offer a ONE-YEAR FREE TRIAL of the Smart Commute Program, delivered by pointA, a Canadian non-profit organization that pioneered the Smart Commute program in 2003.
Smart Commute offers extensive benefits, including reducing parking demand, boosting foot traffic to local businesses, lowering commuting costs, attracting new talent, and promoting employee health and wellness - all while strengthening community engagement and productivity. Connect with pointA to learn how to get your business involved in the Smart Commute program.
Halton Region Small Business Centre
Whether you’re exploring ideas for a business or trying to grow your business, the Halton Region Small Business Centre is available to assist you.